Developing Your Property
Rimrock's Planning Committee has established guidelines for members who wish to build on their lots. You can review our FAQS or download the PDF file here. You can also review Rimrock Meadows Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions.
Dear Residents & Property Owners
One of the valuable characteristics of Rimrock Meadows is the presence of architectural standards and maintenance guidelines. All architectural projects are subject to the provisions of the Planning Committee (PC) guidelines that are developed for the benefit of all.
The Planning Committee, which is comprised of 4-6 Rimrock Meadows property owners including board members, has the responsibility for administering the architectural standards and guidelines. The intent of the PC process is to assure residents that the standards of design within the community will be maintained. This in turn protects property values and enhances the community's overall environment for everyone.
Best Regards, Rimrock Meadows Planning Committee
Planning Committee Frequently Asked Questions
The Planning Committee exists to advise the Board of Directors and property owners on all matters pertaining to the architectural improvements, repair or improvement of property owner’s lots, including paint colors, roof replacements, building fences and decks, sheds, property line set backs and easements, improvements and maintenance, as well as enforcement of all Rimrock Meadows Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Bylaws.
The intent behind the Planning Committee is to maintain the high standards of our community and maximize our property values over the long term. All standards and processes for the committee are located in our CC&R’s, Bylaws and the Planning Committee FAQ and Building Application.
The purpose of architectural guidelines and standards is to document, measure, preserve, and maintain architectural and environmental standards of the community and ensure that its residents continue to enjoy an attractive and appealing living area.
• Preserve the character of Rimrock Meadows.
• Protect and enhance the quality of life and the long-term investment of each property owner.
• To promote creativity and individuality while preserving the architectural integrity of all construction.
• To ensure aesthetic integrity.
• To protect the natural environment and to prevent nuisances detrimental to other properties within Rimrock.
When striving to achieve our goals there are many things to consider. We must:
• Review all plans for improvements, alterations or major changes made to any property. No construction may begin nor prefabricated structure placed on a lot until a Building Application has been submitted and approved by the Planning Committee.
• Review a Member/builder’s submittal for the purpose of determining if the plan is in compliance with Rimrock Meadows CC&R’s, Bylaws and Building Application guidelines. The builder must obtain approval from the Planning Committee before construction or site modification begins.
• During the course of lot development, should the owner or builder desire to make revisions to the approved design that was submitted, written approval for any revision must be obtained from the Planning Committee.
• Because of our unique community and weather conditions, the Planning Committee has the authority to create specific building and lot development guidelines. These include and are not limited to architectural style, color, and materials that are appropriate for Rimrock Meadows.
• When deemed necessary the PC may prepare additional Design Guidelines or revise the existing guidelines.
The next step is to fill out an Application for Approval of Structure and Site Modification. Any and all buildings and/or structures, fences, and decks will need approved by the PC. This includes any prefabricated, kit or built- on-site sheds, containers, barns, pole supported roof structures, manufactured homes and permanent dwellings. Anything over 200 sq. feet will require a Douglas County Building permit. When you bring an RV, motor coach or trailer to your property they must be in working order, up to code and NOT salvage. Private lots at Rimrock Meadows are not to be used for storage of vehicles, boats, machinery or refuse. RRM property owners are responsible for abiding by Rimrock Covenants and applicable County Building codes, laws and permit requirements.
The purposes of the PC correction letters are to serve as a notice of building or covenant violations that you may or may not be aware of. In some situations, these notices serve as an early warning that could potentially save property owners undue costs because of unknown damage to their RV or structure. Other benefits are to provide awareness for you and other property owners at Rimrock Meadows of our operating procedures, covenants, by-laws and building/construction guidelines.
Each lot owner should read, review and make themself acquainted with the CC&Rs, Bylaws and the Planning Committee’s process of approval. As with all documents of this nature changes will be made so please make sure you are reading the latest revision.
Thanks for your cooperation in our efforts to preserve the architectural integrity of our property. The goal is to maintain the design continuity of the common areas and existing properties. By following the Design Guidelines and the CC& R’s our community will grow in harmony.
Be sure to attach building sketches, County Permits, and Site Plan as well as the Completed Application for Application for Approval of Structure and Site Modifications when submitting your application to the Planning Committee.